Saturday, February 15, 2020

Explain Marx's general law of capitalist accumulation and discuss it's Essay

Explain Marx's general law of capitalist accumulation and discuss it's contemporary relevance - Essay Example Though Marx does not agree with the means by which capital accumulation takes place, the identifiers that he exhibits with regards to how such a system takes place and is perpetuated is difficult to argue against regardless of the political/economic ideology that the individual may have. As a function of understanding Marx’s identification and theory of capital accumulation, this analysis will approach this topic from a historical and economic standpoint. Moreover, after seeking to define and understand the nuances of capital accumulation, as Marx describes it, the analysis will then move on to attempting to define whether or not this particular definition and understanding is applicable currently or has any contemporary relevance whatsoever. Finally, it is the hope of this author that such a discussion will not only integrate a further understanding with regards to Marx’s original intent and the means by which the Communist definition of capital accumulation was theori zed/enunciated but that this realization an understanding will seek to elaborate upon the means by which such a definition/theory continues to be relevant or is entirely irrelevant within the current era. As with so many of Karl Marx’s economic theories, it is of course first necessary to integrate with an interpretation and understanding of how Marx defined human psychology and base nature as a means of better understanding this theory and definition of capitalist accumulation. Ultimately, the writings and philosophy of Karl Marx were concentric upon an understanding that human nature as necessarily developed as a means of ensuring that humans are able to derive all of the necessary requirements for life that they may have. Not distinct from the evolutionary standpoint, Marx theory of human nature specifies that the individual, and the group for that matter, will likely seek to enrich themselves in all manners possible at all times possible (Hein, 2012). According to Marx, t his is something of an innate drive that is engaged from the moment that an individual self-actualizes until the time that they die. This primary interpretation of the motivation degree provides is a primal means by which the capital accumulation theory is defined within the Marxist worldview. Delving directly into the definition itself, Marx understood capitalism to be locked in something of a self induced death spiral. This was ultimately the result of the fact that Marx understanding of capital was a situation in which humans invariably seek after wealth and self-enrichment as a means to define their own reality. Although this in and of itself represents and unethical approach, far more unethical, according to Marx, is the reality of fact this reality invariably takes place on the backs of others. This enrichment at the expense of others has profound and severe consequences due to the fact that brutal treatment of the producers is oftentimes affected as a means of capital accrual /accumulation. In short, Marx’s concept of capital accumulation can be understood with regards to the illustration and so many economists oftentimes make with regards to t

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Fruit content of fruit juice and apple juice content of cider using Dissertation

Fruit content of fruit juice and apple juice content of cider using DNA methodology - Dissertation Example The people want the analytical techniques to be very quick and easy for the identification of the honesty and accuracy of the ingredients. Many modern analytical techniques are used for the analysis of the plant or animal species in the foods. The techniques based on DNA are much common nowadays. The people have lost their hope on chemical analysis as they cannot predict the correct results because of the varying processing methods. DNA is resistant to the food processing method hence this can used for the analysis. Most of the molecular genetic techniques are based on the PCR, pyrosequencing and CAPS (Cleavable Amplifiable polymorphic Sites). Aim of the project: To determine the fruit content of the fruit juice, using the DNA methodologies. Main work packages: The fruit juices are selected and tested for the fruit content based on the value of the juice and to check the level of fraudulent substitution of other fruits in the juice using the DNA methodologies. The high value fruit ju ices are accidentally or fraudulently substituted with the other fruits. This affects the trustworthy of the product in the customers mind. Hence a novel technique that can identify these fraudulent are required for the prevention. (Bauer et al. 2003). Outline of the project: The fruit juices were obtained from the commercial juice producers. The fresh juices were mixed thoroughly by shaking and inverting. (Doyle and Doyle 1987). The fruit juices are then diluted with the ultra pure water. This dilution is done to reduce the percentage of sugar in the juice. The DNA was extracted from the fruit juices using the Standard CTAB DNA extraction method. (Kress et al. 2005). One ml of the sample was suspended in the 5 ml of the CTAB buffer, 100mmTris HCl, 20mM EDTA, 1.4M NaCl and 40Â µl of proteinase K solution. It was vigorously shaked ad stored at 60 degree Celsius overnight. (Doyle and Doyle 1987). The clear supernatant was removed and added with equal volume of chloroform and centrifu ged and the supernatant was collected. Equal volume of isopropanol was added to precipitate DNA. The pelleted DNA was washed with ethanol and dried and stored in the 1X TE buffer. The concentration of the DNA was estimated using suitable methods. The DNA obtained was amplified before moving to the PCR. The amplified product was confirmed with the gel electrophoresis. The design of the primer is an important part of PCR. The primers for the psbA-trnH chloroplast are used for the Taberlet PCR. (Delano and Schmidt 2004). The products can be amplified using the Taberlet PCR and used for further studies. The PCR products were then run in the gel electrophoresis. The DNA fragments were separated in the gel electrophoresis and the gel images are captured in the Gel Doc. The DNA are then separated and extracted from the gel and the restriction enzymes are used for the further analysis. The restriction enzymes are specific for the species. The restriction enzymes that can be used for fruit j uice analysis are Acil, Apol, Dbel, Mbol,Mnll, NlaIII, TaqAl etc., (Taberlet et al. 1991). The Full length of the DNA can be found by aligning the contigs of the sample. Consensus sequences are generated using the Bioinformatics tools. These consensus sequences can then be used for the analysis of PCR-RFLP patterns. The Apol and Dbel are used for the analysis of the six different fruit species such as apple, blueberry, elderberry, grape, pear and pomegranate. If Apol