Thursday, October 31, 2019

Investment Analysis Coursework 2001 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment Analysis Coursework 2001 - Essay Example ‘Herd’ implies a social grouping of people, who have similar understanding or perception about anything. Here ‘herd’ implies the people, who have the same viewpoint within the stock market. The above statement briefs that market movements are dependent on individuals. If a person buys a particular stock and he is a popular figure in the community and society, then every individual intends to purchase this stock and this is simply because the first person has bought it, not because of the market value of the stock. â€Å"Perhaps 100 people were simply imitating the coin flipping call of some terribly persuasive personality† (Buffett n.d. p. 4). The ‘margin of safety’ principle implies that safety should be ensured while buying stocks. Walter has justified that while dealing in the stock market, it should always be remembered that it is other people’s money which is being handled. Therefore it reinforces the ethics to strongly avert losses while dealing in stocks. It should always be remembered that money is real and therefore should be handled appropriately. If the net worth of a business is $1 and it can be obtained at 40 cents, then it aims to generate profit. In the stock markets risks and rewards are correlated because as the stock grows riskier, more are the returns from this stock. Even though a high risk stock would be able to generate more returns, yet a risky stock can also generate less or nil returns because the stock’s performance is dependent upon its market performance, which is guarded by several principles. Rational pricing is very important in the stock market, as this pricing is needed for fixed income securities and bonds. Rational pricing implies such a type of pricing, which represents that the market price of the assets in the stock market is free of any arbitrage pricing. Eugene Fama has been propounded as the father of the theory of ‘efficient market hypothesis’. Fam a stated two theories related to the efficient market hypothesis. The first theory was classifying the markets on the basis of three types of efficiency. Fama classified three forms of efficiency which are as follows: Strong form efficiency Semi strong form efficiency Weak form efficiency The strong form efficiency implies that all information related to the firm is incorporated in the price of the stock of the firm. The strong form tests are concerned with whether investors or investor groups have monopolistic access in determining the price of a stock. The semi strong form tests imply the prices are adjusted according to the information available about the firm in their announcements to the public, such as announcements of annual earnings, the stock splits etc. that the firm has witnessed. The weak form efficiency is such a test, where only the historical prices of stocks have been displayed to the public and no other details about the firm is divulged. Fama describes the market e fficiency hypothesis to be very simple, which simply points out that the market price of a stock represents all the vital information about the firm. The second concept, which Fama stated with respect to the efficient market hypothesis, was the concept of market efficiency, which can be rejected only with a rejection of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Favorite Food Essay Example for Free

Favorite Food Essay â€Å"so exactly where are we going again?† I asked my dad while pulling out of our driveway. â€Å"Just wait I know youll love this restaurant,† he announced. He was taking me to Espinoza’s, an authentic Mexican restaurant. There was a large window right beside the door when you pull in, with a big, orange, neon sign with the words ESPINOZAS written in capital letters. My dad opened the door and I led him in. Right when we walked, there was a young girl, about five feet and 3 inches tall, who asked us in an accent if it was just the two of us today. Behind her about eight meters away, was a bar like counter that was higher than normal, for when the chef prepared your meal, he could place it there to be brought to the table. We sat down at our table right beside the big window with the neon sign, a table for four. Two glasses of water were brought to us, by Maria, our waitress, who all the while made suggestions on their selection of other drinks. There was a glass fridge, like the ones at gas stations, directly behind where dad was sitting, and it contained all kinds of carbonated drinks. All the sodas were in glass bottles with classic looking labels, that had Pepsi, Coke, and some other ones with Spanish words on them. Right beside the fridge were two slushy machines. One slushy machine had a red drink called Aqua De Jamaica, and the other one a creamy white one, Horchata. Tamarind and infusions of hibiscus flowers are what give Jamaica its red color. My dad ordered Horchata, which is made from a combination of long grain rice, milk, and sugar. We both sipped on our ice cold drinks, while placing our orders to Maria. As we waited for our food to arrive, I headed towards a jukebox on the opposite side of where we were seated. I flipped through all the tracks of songs and in the end just chose one based on the the picture on the cover of the album. Just as I was heading back to my seat, I saw Maria with a circular tray the size of a tire filled with food. I scurried over to beat her to our table because I wanted to see why dad was so enthusiastic about bringing me to Espinozas. What happened next, I will never forget. The smell the awoke every last bit of my senses. An oval plate was placed in front of me, as if I were some royal being. Laid out in perfect layers were nacho chips that looked like a bloomed roses petals. On top of the petal-like chips were marinated chicken strips, grilled so you could see the marks on them, showing all of the effort that was put into its cooking. The chicken was seasoned with a blend of zesty Mexican spices. Hints of lemon, paprika, crushed peppers, and onion powder gave tastes of sourness to sweetness with every bite. Sauteed onions, sweet bell peppers, and tomatoes are what completed the next layer. Melted white cheese smothered the beans that were evenly distributed upon every nacho chip that existed on my dish. I took the first bite. Related by more than just the blood in our veins, my father and I are best friends. He has always known me more than Ive known myself. He brought me to Espinozas because we both share a love for Mexican dishes. The flavors of the spices remind us of the connection and joy we have in our friendship. He even called me last night to remind me about the soccer game that would be on in ten minutes between Barcelona and Real Madrid. They tied one to one.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Women in Christianity

Women in Christianity Women are oppressed by the religion of Christianity. For the religion of Christianity the equal rights for women is a great unfulfilled concern, from time beyond memory they have been dependent to man, in the family, and with restrained rights and involvement in worship. This is a big and intricate matter as Christianity is one of the major religions in the world. Is the opinion that Christianity oppresses women, based on historical facts or is the misinterpretation of these out of context scriptures; Let us look to the bible for some answers and solutions to the chaos and confusion with which modern women are confronted. Throughout the Bible, men were the heads of families and were the leaders. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah, David, Solomon, Joseph and many more. As a result , it stands to reason and historical fact that the Bible is indeed patriarchal. But does this inevitably mean that women are oppressed and degraded? Genesis(1:26-27) Then God said Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air.. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them It was not Adam alone, but Eve who made up Gods image, and thus, women are a part of this creation story, not demeaned but fully equal in the benefits provided by God. Arguing the idea that the male gender was created first is like twins arguing about who is greater due to which emerged first from the womb. They were created equally and with the intention of reflecting Gods image in their own union, man and wife. The Bible teaches that man and woman were co-participants in the Fall: Adam and Eve were both responsible. Gen 3:6; Rom 5:12-21; The Bible teaches that both man and woman were created in Gods image, had a direct relationship with God, and shared jointly the responsibilities of bearing and bringing up children and having dominion over all the earth, and over all the creatures. In first-century Palestine, the way Jesus treated women was considered revolutionary. Jesus Christ taught that women were just as responsible for growing in grace and knowledge as men when it came to being one of his followers. Jesus expected women as well as men to learn from him. The Bible does not say how many women moved around with Jesus and his male disciples, but definitely Luke records the names of a prominent few, and mentions there were â€Å"many others.† Jesus walked through towns and countryside, preaching and giving the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve followed him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary called Magdalene, who had been freed of seven demons; Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herods steward: Susanna and others who provided for them out of their own funds. (Luke 8:1-3) It was the women who stayed at the foot of the Cross. The mother of Jesus, Mary, the other Mary, and Mary Magdalene with only one of the Apostle John, the beloved disciple. And it was Mary Magdalene who went early at the tomb and It was a woman who found the most important phenomenon in history, the Resurrection of Jesus. In that time in history and culture , women were considered to be not reliable and they were not permitted to be witnesses in court. And yet Jesus wanted a women as his strongest witnesses, and accomplish his greatest works. Jesus asked Mary to bring the announcement to the apostles, so we see that he relied on women to bring the men to him. Christianity today has a lot to thank women for, as men disbelieved, questioned, and ran away, but the women gathered them and lead them back to Jesus. Now, one major issue is Saint Paul. He comes across as a big misogynist. But is our interpretation accurate? In 1 Timothy 2: 11-13, Paul says, Let a woman quietly receive instruction and be submissive. I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men. Let them be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Adam was not deceived ,it was the woman who was deceived and fell into sin. But she will be saved through motherhood, provided that her life be orderly and holy, in faith and love. St. Paul has been the victim of a bad press as far as women are concerned. Some have regarded him as the one whose basic message to women is to shut up, cover their heads and listen to their husbands. In the thirteen letters of St. Paul, there are probably no passages that are as difficult for modern Western readers as those having to do with women. To clear Paul of charges of misogyny, perhaps we need to look at some historical considerations: Paul was brought up as a Jew in the sect of the Pharisees until his adult life. In the Judaism in which Paul was reared, relationships between men and women were subject to the laws of ritual impurity. If a man so much as touched a woman at the wrong time of the month he could become ritually impure himself. In Leviticus, the law stipulates that a woman who has given birth to a daughter must undergo a period of purification twice as long as that for the birth of a son. And among the daily prayers â€Å"the Eighteen Benedictions† recited by Jewish men is this: â€Å"Blessed Thou art, O Lord, for not having created me a woman.† So St. Paul grew up regarding to women in a particular way, and some of the comments he makes about women can probably be credited to his own background. Womens status and freedoms were definitely restricted by Jewish law and custom. As we mentioned already they were not permitted to be witnesses in court trials. They could not go out in public, or talk to strangers. They had to be double veiled when they went out of their homes. They were excluded from the worship and teaching of God, with status barely above that of slaves. Their place in society was set in the Hebrew Scriptures and in the interpretation of those scriptures. In a Jewish and Hellenistic environment, the submission of the wife to the husband went without question as considered the foundation of the family order, and in therefore of the order of society.† For many scholars ,the first Christians had been accused of rocking the boat, and Paul wanted to make it clear that Christians were not anarchists. Therefore, Pauls statements about women tend to take on a different tone altogether if seen within the context of all of his writings, actually they serve to reflect and reinforce the message of mutual submission in Christ. (Lynda L.1990 pg.21) In fact in Galatians 3:27-8: The Same Paul says All of you who were given to Christ through baptism have put on Christ. Here there is no longer any difference between Jew nor Greek, or between slave or freed, or between man and woman: but all of you are one in Christ Jesus. This doesnt mean that the borders no longer exist in this life; Paul was not out to abolish slavery and to struggle for the social equality of women. His concern was not for the improvement of present social structures but for the establishment of unity in the church, the one body of Christ, and then as one in Christ all other issues would be overcome. One important point is that Paul, depended on women to help him in his ministry, and he thanks them in his letters by name, Phoebe, a deaconess of the church, â€Å"she helped many and among them myself † (Romans 16:2). In Philippians (4:2-3) Evodia and Syntyche of whom, he says, â€Å"they have laboured with me in the service of the gospel.† And finally If he really despised marriage, would he have spoken so warmly and repeatedly of the couple Prisca and Aquila, whom he referred to as â€Å"my helpers in Christ Jesus. To save my life they risked theirs; I am very grateful to them, as are all the churches of pagan nations.† As seen Women have exerted a special influence on Christian life and have profoundly affected its spirituality, but the exact nature of this relationship has yet to be fully understood. Holy women throughout history have struggled over the nature of women`s calling within the church. Christianity has been, both a liberating force for women and the cause of their oppression. But we would like to conclude with an uplifting message, God is still saying today to those of us who are willing to listen a message that will clear us of any doubts towards gender equality; â€Å"In heaven, men and women will stand together praising God †. (REV. 22:3-5) A clear picture or even better the eternal picture, about women in Christianity. Bibliography: Christian Community Bible, Claretian Publication, Quezon City, Philippines. LYNDA L.1990 pg.21,The gentle strength, university press of Virginia, USA FRANK WESTON,2001. The Revelation of Eternal Love: Christianity Stated in Terms of LoveBiblio Bazaar, Oxford UK (accessed 7/03/2010) (accessed 7/03/2010)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is an analgesic medication. Its overdose occurs when someone accidently or intentionally takes more than the normal or recommended amount of this medication. Acetaminophen overdose is one of the common poisonings worldwide. If this poisoning occurs, need to call local emergency number (911) or poison control center. Acute acetaminophen overdose is defined as an ingestion of toxic amount of acetaminophen occurring within a period of eight hours or less. In adults acetaminophen toxicity occurs following ingestion of greater than 7.5-10gms over a period of eight hours or less. Chronic acetaminophen overdose occurs following ingestion of toxic amount over a period greater than eight hours. The mechanism of liver injury is related to the fact that small amounts of acetaminophen are converted to a toxic metabolite. The toxic metabolite binds with liver proteins to cause cellular injury. The amount of toxic metabolite produced and the ability of the liver to remove this metabolite before it binds to liver protein influence the extent of liver injury. Pathophysiology: Oral acetaminophen is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestines. The serum drug concentration peaks 1-2 hours once after ingestion. Peak plasma level occurs within 4 hours of post ingestion of over dose of an immediate release preparation. Therapeutic levels are 5-20 Â µg/ml. Acetaminophen primarily metabolized by liver to non toxic, water soluble form that is eliminated in the urine. Overdose leads to formation of hepatotoxic reactive metabolite causes an ensuring cascade of oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. This subsequent inflammatory response propagates hepatocellular injury and death. Similar enzymatic reaction occurs i... ...dressed some recommendations to acetaminophen based medications, are safe daily dose for healthy individuals, patients with chronic renal failure, patients who concurrently drink alcohol and appropriate dose needed to be efficacy. It also imposed package size restrictions. Prevention: People supposed to take some steps to avoid acetaminophen overdose. Always securely close the acetaminophen containers and use child proof bottles. Keep all the medication out of the reach of children. Know the correct dose and amount of drug before administration. Never mix the both medications if those contain the acetaminophen. Keep all the medications away from the family member who are being showed suicidal ideations and seek medical attention immediately. Patient should not be taken acetaminophen if he has consumed three alcoholic beverages per day as it leads to hepatotoxicity.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Black Boy

Midterm Paper The Many Hungers in Black Boy We often find ourselves thinking â€Å"Man I am so hungry! † after going without eating for Just a few hours. If you really think about it we only go without eating for small periods of time. Have we ever really experienced hunger? Real hunger for that matter, hunger like Richard faces in Black Boy. The kind of hunger he experiences are not evident in a society in which we live. Hunger for us is skipping a meal or not finding anything that will please our appetite. This is not even comparable to the days that Richard endures without eating any food.There is not only physical hunger present in the novel Black Boy, Richard suffers from educational and emotional hunger. Richard longs for conversation and love from others and books to read or some sort of education. Most people often take these for granted but it is the only thing that Richard desires. The hunger in the novel Black Boy by Richard Wright serves as a magnet that pulls us t hrough the story of Richard's emotional, physical, and intellectual hunger. Richard is faced at a very early age and for most of his life with experiences of hysical hunger, starvation. Hunger stole upon me slowly that at first I was not aware of what hunger really meant. Hunger had always been more or less at my elbow when I played, but now I began to wake up at night to find hunger standing at my bedside, staring at me gauntly† (16). Richard seemed to starve quite often but after his father left he seemed to have constant starvation. Starvation seems to happen a good deal throughout Richard's life. The type of hunger Richard describes seems to be very painful, a kind of pain that one can't even imagine. Once again I new hunger, biting hunger, hunger that made my body aimlessly restless, hunger that kept me on edge, that made my temper flare, that made my temper flare, hunger that made hate leap out of my heart like the dart of a serpent's tongue, hunger that created in me od d cravings† (119). Since hunger is always present in Richard's lifestyle it seems as if he cannot imagine eating a simple meal every day. To us a simple meal may not seem like such a big deal, but to Richard, and many who suffered like Richard during this time, a simple meal is a miracle.The weakening and ainful piercing hungers are evidence that where the poverty happened in the Jim Crow South. Richard does not only suffer from physical hunger, he also suffers through emotional hunger throughout the text. He desires attention from people, attention from his family. Richard does not receive much attention at home so that impacts his relationship with others. He does not know how to associate with others. This causes a problem for Richard, when he finally leaves home he does not know how to associate with others. He cannot understand the friendly gestures of those around him.Nevertheless, I was so starved for association with people that I allowed myself to be seduced by it all , and for a few months I lived the life of an optimist† (178). Richard grew up in a very hostile nome environment which made him not only yearn for food but for love and affection. Another issue that helped contribute to Richard's emotional hunger is the issue of blacks and whites. Richard does not seem to understand the relationship between the two groups of people. â€Å"l wanted to understand these two sets of people who lived side by side and never touched, it seemed, except in violence† (54).Richard viewed the treatment toward him and the others as wrong, but he dare not go against it. He seemed to have accepted the segregation, but he never let the white people go far in how they treated him. Richard wanted to be able to speak his mind, but he was always told to hush up and he did not want to be treated poorly by the whites. The idea of this was hard for Richard to overcome so he ended up moving to the North. The emotional hunger that Richard faces often led him t o loneliness or grief. The biggest hunger the Richard had to suffer through would be his hunger for ducation.Richard longed for an education. He is a bright boy yet there is no encouragement for him to succeed and learn. There was no encouragement to learn because Negro children of the south did not grow up to be successful. Many of the blacks during that time seemed to settle, settle for ignorance and illiteracy. Richard however, decided to take advantage of the little opportunities that presented themselves. He longed for an education even more after meeting Ella, the school teacher. He stated â€Å"†¦ as much afraid of her as he was attracted to her† (38).The attraction allows him to overcome his fear and ask her about her books, which further awakens the hunger of knowledge. Richard tried to learn and read. â€Å"l hungered for the sharp, frightening, breathtaking, almost painful excitement that the story had given me, and I vowed that as soon as I was old enough I would buy all the novels there were and read them to feed that thirst for violence that was in me, for intrigue, for plotting, for secrecy, for bloody murders† (46). Richard loves to read and write. He is very curious and wants to learn as much as he can.He learns a lot through his experiences rather than a school setting. He gets very excited when he learns new things. â€Å"†¦ l had learned to count to a hundred and I was overjoyed†¦. I would read the newspapers with my mother guiding me and spelling out the words. I soon became a nuisance by asking far too many questions of everybody† (26). The quest for Richard's learning never seemed to be conquered. Richard suffered through many hungers that we may never experience, we are privileged. His emotional, physical, and educational hunger seem to impact him ignificantly.Even with all odds stacked against him, Richard prevails and succeeds against all odds. As an adult living in the North, he conquered the obsta cles and is stronger than most living around him. Richard survives through these hungers with his great endurance. â€Å"Whenever my environment had failed to support or nourish me, I had clutched at books†¦ † It seemed as if Richard would use his hungers against each other in turn making him a stronger person. Richard endures a lot in the text, much that people in our society today could not survive.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Development of America

President Barack Obama, in his inaugural address, told the American people about the challenges facing the country today are of crisis proportion. Guided by the founding principles with which America was built as a nation, he promised the citizens of America and the world that his government will overcome these problems. He took note that every administration is faced with problems of different gravity and complexity and his will be no different. He offers hope and unity when he saw fear and conflict in the face of Americans.For Obama, America may be great and powerful, but these alone are not what will give jobs with fair wages, accessible and affordable healthcare and decent retirement through sound social security. Honesty, caution and transparency are demanded of those who hold public office for them to gain the trust of the people in their government. Taking the economy into perspective, he said that the crisis is not because workers are producing less, creativity has stopped, a nd need for commodities have dropped. Market forces drive the economy, for the best and for the worst.A strong economy will definitely create wealth. Government must exercise prudent control and ensure that the gains will benefit all. Equitable sharing of wealth and equal opportunities for all is his â€Å"re-affirmation of the enduring spirit that all are equal. † Obama believes that America must change that way it had conducted itself and do away with political philosophies that are not doing the country any good. Instead, Obama thinks that America should work harder, aim higher, be both movers and doers like its forebears whom he said â€Å"toiled, endured the lash of the whip, plowed the hard earth.†He reminded the American people of those who died in defense of precious freedom from â€Å"Concord and Gettysburg to Normandy and Khe Sanh. † He attributes the greatness of America to its people. He said the greatness was something â€Å"earned and never givenà ¢â‚¬  to its selfless people and to a country that is â€Å"bigger than the sum of individual ambitions [and] greater than all the differences of birth, wealth or faction. † It is upon these qualities that Obama begins the work that is necessary to push the economy forward, once again.He is bound not only to create jobs but provide the basics to be able to accomplish the first, such as infrastructures, science and technology, health care, alternative fuel sources, education and skills training that all fit the needs of the times. Obama has faith great things can be done if everyone will unite and rally around a common goal. In the pursuit of economic prosperity, Obama’s government also seeks to protect the rights of individuals among which is a guarantee of his safety and security.Like the founding fathers of America who shed blood to guarantee the freedoms every American now enjoys, Obama makes a solemn vow to every citizen and every nation of the world that America will take the lead when their peace is threatened. He is of the conviction that arms are the last resort in conflicts, however, victory comes with strong alliances and lasting principles. The might and power of the America is not enough to protect it but Obama assures that neither will his country use it indiscriminately.He will dispense the power judiciously, coming from what the president says is the â€Å"justness of cause and force of example which is the tempering qualities of humility and restraint. † He is looking at Iraq and Afghanistan and the possibilities of peaceful pullout. America will cooperate in keeping the world safe and secured but all threats to peace will be dealt with force. Terrorism will be met with the fiercest resistance. Obama assures that America â€Å"will not waiver in defense† of peace and justice â€Å"with spirit [that] is stronger and [which] can not be broken† warns that the enemy that â€Å"they cannot outlast us and we will defeat you.†Obama spoke of his new policies of government that reflects the old values of the founding fathers. President Obama will not compromise the safety and ideals of America. It will not be a choice of one over the other or a middle ground of both. Both safety and ideals go together. America separated from Britain in bitter circumstances in the cause of freedom, in the words of the Declaration of Independence they will hold Britain as â€Å"they hold the rest of mankind, enemies in war and in peace friends. † Today Britain remains a loyal ally in its fight against tyranny and injustice.President Obama calls on â€Å"old friends and former foes† to work with America in mutual defense and act against the use of nuclear weapons and destruction of the environment. Obama pledges to once again lead the way in â€Å"ushering in a new era of peace. † He recognizes that America is not just for the Americans but for the whole world. His government will defend America and its interests, as well as those of the world that is parallel to America’s. Obama declares â€Å"we have duties to ourselves, our nation and the world, duties that we do not grudgingly accept but seize rather gladly.†Once before, the founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence had similarly intended, to â€Å"mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor. â€Å" President Obama recognizes the strength of multi-racial America today. From its conflict-ridden history, American came to be a strong nation. The president says that â€Å"as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself. † America, therefore, postures itself ahead of the line with the rest of the world – desirous of a future of peace with honor.America will extend its helping hands not only in times of war and but also in times of peace. He asks both the poor and the wealthy nations to work together on issues like the proper u tilization and care for the world’s resources. He notes that it is about time that everyone should drop attitudes of apathy and instead be more conscious in preserving what could be handed down to the generations that will come after the present one. Times have indeed changed and in retrospect American has gone this far and this long. Its 44th president had been sworn in to the highest office of the land.Nothing can more significant than the fact that America is still free, a legacy of the fallen heroes. Their spirit lives on in the men and women who fight for democracy in distant shores, who help save lives in disaster-stricken communities, who risk lives and limbs to take strangers out of death’s clutches from the 9/11 attacks, and those willing to sacrifice so others may live. From the heroes in war to the heroes in peace, America has not let go of what Obama calls â€Å"the gift of freedom. † They worked hard and gave so much to preserve the gains of freedom and democracy.What the Constitution declares to â€Å"secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity,† President Obama promises to â€Å"carry forth the gifts of freedom and deliver it safely to future generations. † America is faced with new challenges and responsibilities. These are the issues that President Obama places high importance on. These are the realities of the current times that Obama are finding solutions to. From uncertainty, the future will be shaped on how well America will use the time-tested inner resources and strength that have pushed the American on throughout their country’s history.The Obama government is confronted with economic difficulties, threats to peace and security, effects of environmental neglect, among many other problems. The American patience, honesty, hard work, sense of fairness, courage, inquisitive minds, love of country and unwavering faith in God and fellow Americans, should be made to prevail. These ar e the cost and rewards of a privileged American citizenship. How much the Americans have developed through the trying years, has made the words â€Å"liberty and justice for all† and that â€Å"all men are created equal† more meaningful and true.These truths were made self-evident when Obama who said his father â€Å"might not have been served at a local restaurant 60 years ago† became America’s first African-American president. On this same president’s shoulder lies the shaping of the future from uncertainty and hopelessness. President Obama is faced with problems that he has to deal with in order to move the nation forward. He was left with a country which is not completely done with a protracted war in the Middle East. He will decide on the future of Iraq and Afghanistan and the continuing role of America in the War on Terror.He hopes to end the decades of hatred and hopes to heal the wounds of conflict. As president of the most powerful nation on earth he has choices and he hopes to use the best of them in accordance with the enduring spirit of old such as courage with justice. The economy of America is in shambles. If this can happen to the great and powerful nation like America, what would keep it from happening to the others. Truly the economic crisis has hit a global scale. Unemployment rose when millions have lost their jobs, a consequence of the collapse of many businesses.Under such circumstances people would barely afford the rest – housing, education, health care, and social security. This would render the weak and feeble-hearted helpless, but not the American who was shaped in the tradition of hard work and honesty. Again, Obama has promised that America will take the lead. He has met with his economic team on Day One. America must likewise respond to the problems posed by environmental degradation and neglect, such as the greenhouse effect or global warming, extreme weather conditions and depletion of th e earth’s resources.He must end the indifference of industrialized nations or those he termed as the â€Å"nations that enjoy relative plenty. † He has recognized the â€Å"greed and irresponsibility of some† and this time he must be ready â€Å"to make hard choices to propel the nation† forward in the new age. He must employ the old values of â€Å"courage and fair play† to meet this challenge of the world in a time of peace. Equality has never been more felt than on the day Barack Obama took his oath of office.The multitude that showed up in his inauguration was happy that finally there were no more lines that divide. America now has a president who represents the best in the new American. The new American is able to transcend color and creed in a â€Å"patchwork heritage† which is the president’s own description of the new America. It is also a conglomeration of cultures from all points of the globe. Getting America to respond as o ne before it hopes to lead the rest of the world is vital to the agenda Obama has set to accomplish.Unity, equality and selflessness are the defining characters of the new generation of Americans. With these qualities the enormous task of ushering the new kind of peace and prosperity in America and elsewhere in the world can be achieved. President Obama guarantees that the government will do its duty and calls upon all Americans for their support. He believes that it is the collective â€Å"faith and determination† of its people in their government that will make America succeed in meeting all the challenges.From the time of the founding fathers to the inauguration of its 44th president, America has come a long way, not without sacrifices, not without hard work. President Obama has taken things in perspective and knew that without the guiding spirit of the old values, America would not survive the crisis his presidency was met with. The racial divide which was marked with the long struggle of his kind is no longer a painful issue to deal with, given his election to the highest post of the land.Peace and security, the economy, the environment, health care, and education are the more pressing problems that demand the government’s immediate attention, and attend to them the president has promised to do. The Obama story and discourse is a welcome development of the American. He had transcended barriers to become what he is today. In his watch, the whole world is still, perhaps in anticipation of new beginnings. For President Obama it is simply a choice of hope over fear, unity over discord.