Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Racism Is An Ongoing Social Justice Issue Essay - 2166 Words

Racism has been an ongoing social justice issue for decades, and we seem to always fail to make it stop. According to Dummett (as cited in Fernando, 1984), racism is the behaviour and attitude that emerges from our beliefs that certain people are different from us. These differences are mainly based on race, where people come from, physical characteristics, such as colour and hair type or behavioural characteristics, and that people categorized must be treated differently based on their needs, capabilities and rights. Usually there is one dominant and superior group and a few inferior groups (Dummett, as cited in Fernando, 1984). Coates and Morrison (2011) suggests that what we distinguish as real and true may not always be real and that things may not always be as it seems. Coates and Morrison (2011) also states that we live in a racial matrix, where we have this illusion of reality and that differences associated with racial status and hierarchies are perceived as the norm in socie ty and this perception of reality is not easy to get rid of. There are four types of racism; subtle racism, colorism, internalized racism and reverse racism (Nittle, 2016). Racism can be explicit, but it can also be very subtle and covert, which is a huge problem, as most people do not even notice it and they do not realize that it happens on a day-to-day basis (Coates and Morrison, 2011). Racism is not only one problem or concern, as it is brings along a variety of other problems and is compiledShow MoreRelatedSocial Justice Is More than a Definition 1189 Words   |  5 Pagespermanently with just one meaning, Social Justice definition goes beyond what it states. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

The Issue Of Gender Equality - 790 Words

One of the newer issues that are facing schools today is accommodating transgender students. The Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 states: â€Å"Prohibition against discrimination; exceptions. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is talking about gender equality in schools. This means that a school cannot treat transgender students differently than other students of the same gender identity. If you were born as a female but identify as a male then you must treated the same as a male student. You must allow equal access to education, programs, and activities for all students including transgender students. Being transgender is when an individual’s gender identity is different from the sex assigned at birth. For example a transgender female was born a male bu t identifies as a female, and a transgender male was born a female but identifies as a male. These students are entitled to a safe and non-discriminatory environment, free of verbal and non-verbal harassment or hostility based on sex. Schools should be a welcome and safe place for all students no matter what their issues or abilities. Schools are now faced with the issue of whether or not to accommodate transgender students and whether or not to create policies specifically dealing with transgender students. SeveralShow MoreRelatedGender Equality : A Well Discussed Issue Essay1411 Words   |  6 PagesJoseline Santizo Mrs. Coogan English 101-4 9 December 2015 Women in STEM Gender equality has been a well-discussed issue in recent years. By some people, women are not treated on the same level as men because of preconceived stereotypes and gender roles. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Fool Chapter 8 Free Essays

string(248) " memories of burning urination and putrid discharge, but what romance worth the memory is devoid of the bittersweet\? When I first met her, Goneril was but seventeen, and although betrothed to Albany from the age of twelve, she had never seen him\." EIGHT A WIND FROM FUCKING FRANCE Hunter was right, of course, he wasn’t able to feed Lear’s train. We imposed on villages along the way for fare and quarter, but north of Leeds the villages had suffered bad harvests and they could not bear our appetites without starving themselves. I tried to foster good cheer among the knights, while keeping distance from Lear – I had not forgiven the old man for disowning my Cordelia and sending away Drool. We will write a custom essay sample on Fool Chapter 8 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Secretly I relished the soldiers’ complaints about their lack of comfort, and made no real effort to dampen their rising resentment for the old king. On the fifteenth day of our march, outside of Lint-upon-Tweed, they ate my horse. â€Å"Rose, Rose, Rose – would a horse by any other name taste so sweet?† the knights chanted. They thought themselves clever, slinging such jests while spraying roasted bits of my mount from their greasy lips. The dull always seek to be clever at the fool’s expense, to somehow repay him for his cutting wit, but never are they clever, and often are they cruel. Which is why I may never own things, never care for anyone, nor show desire for anything, lest some ruffian, thinking he is funny, take it away. I have secret desires, wants, and dreams, though. Jones is a fine foil, but I should like someday to own a monkey. I would dress him in a tiny jester’s suit, of red silk, I think. I would call him Jeff, and he would have his own scepter, that would be called Tiny Jeff. Yes, I should very much like a monkey. He would be my friend – and it would be forbidden to murder, banish, or eat him. Foolish dreams? We were met at the gate of Castle Albany by Goneril’s steward, adviser, and chief toady, that most pernicious twat, Oswald. I’d had dealings with the rodent-faced muck-sucker when he was but a footman at the White Tower, when Goneril was still princess at court, and I, a humble jongleur, was found wandering naked amid her royal orbs. But that tale is best left for another time, the scoundrel at the gate impedes our progress. Spidery in appearance as well as disposition, Oswald lurks even when in the open, lurking being his natural state of locomotion. A fine black fuzz he wears for a beard, the same is on his head, when his blue tartan tam is humbled at his heart, which it was not that day. He neither removed his hat nor bowed as Lear approached. The old king was not pleased. He stopped the train an arrow-shot from the castle and waved me forward. â€Å"Pocket, go see what he wants,† said Lear. â€Å"And ask why there is no fanfare for my arrival.† â€Å"But nuncle,[24]† said I. â€Å"Shouldn’t the captain of the guard be the one – â€Å" â€Å"Go on, fool! A point is to be made about respect. I send a fool to meet this rascal and put him in his place. Spare no manners, remind the dog that he is a dog.† â€Å"Aye, majesty.† I rolled my eyes at Captain Curan, who almost laughed, then stopped himself, seeing that the king’s anger was real. I pulled Jones from my satchel and sallied forth, my jaw set, as determined as the prow of a warship. â€Å"Hail, Castle Albany,† I called. â€Å"Hail, Albany. Hail, Goneril.† Oswald said nothing, did not so much as remove his hat. He looked past me to the king, even when I was standing an arm’s length from him. I said: â€Å"King of bloody Britain here, Oswald. I’d suggest you pay proper respect.† â€Å"I’ll not lower myself to speak with a fool.† â€Å"Primping little whoreson wanker, innit he?† said the puppet Jones. â€Å"Aye,† said I. Then I spotted a guard in the barbican, looking down on us. â€Å"Hail, Cap’n, seems someone’s emptied a privy on your drawbridge and the steaming pile blocks our way.† The guard laughed. Oswald fumed. â€Å"M’lady has instructed me to instruct you that her father’s knights are not welcome in the castle.† â€Å"That so? She’s actually talking to you, then?† â€Å"I’ll not have an exchange with an impudent fool.† â€Å"He’s not impudent,† said Jones. â€Å"With proper inspiration, the lad sports a woody as stout as a mooring pin. Ask your lady.† I nodded in agreement with the puppet, for he is most wise for having a brain of sawdust. â€Å"Impudent! Impudent! Not impotent!† Oswald frothing a bit now. â€Å"Oh, well, why didn’t you say so,† said Jones. â€Å"Yes, he’s that.† â€Å"To be sure,† said I. â€Å"Aye,† said Jones. â€Å"Aye,† said I. â€Å"The king’s rabble shall not be permitted in the castle.† â€Å"Aye. That so, Oswald?† I reached up and patted his cheek. â€Å"You should have ordered trumpets and rose petals scattered on our path.† I turned and waved the advance to the train, Curan spurred his horse and the column galloped forward. â€Å"Now get off the bridge or be trampled, you rat-faced little twat.† I strode past Oswald into the castle, pumping Jones in the air as if I was leading cadence for war drummers. I think I should have been a diplomat. As Lear rode by he clouted Oswald on the head with his sheathed sword, knocking the unctuous steward into the moat. I felt my anger for the old man slip a notch. Kent, his disguise now completed by nearly three weeks of hunger and living in the outdoors, fell in behind the train as I had instructed. He looked lean and leathery now, more like an older version of Hunter than the old, overfed knight he had been at the White Tower. I stood to the side of the gate as the column entered and nodded to him as he passed. â€Å"I’m hungry, Pocket. All I had to eat yesterday was an owl.† â€Å"Perfect fare for witch finding, methinks. You’re with me to Great Birnam Wood tonight, then?† â€Å"After supper.† â€Å"Aye. If Goneril doesn’t poison the lot of us.† Ah, Goneril, Goneril, Goneril – like a distant love chant is her name. Not that it doesn’t summon memories of burning urination and putrid discharge, but what romance worth the memory is devoid of the bittersweet? When I first met her, Goneril was but seventeen, and although betrothed to Albany from the age of twelve, she had never seen him. A curious, round-bottomed girl, she had spent her entire life in and around the White Tower, and she’d developed a colossal appetite for knowledge of the outside world, which somehow she thought she could sate by grilling a humble fool. It started on odd afternoons, when she would call me to her chambers, and with her ladies-in-waiting in attendance, ask me all manner of questions her tutors had refused to answer. â€Å"Lady,† said I, â€Å"I am but a fool. Shouldn’t you ask someone with position?† â€Å"Mother is dead and Father treats us like porcelain dolls. Everyone else is afraid to speak. You are my fool, it is your duty to speak truth to power.† â€Å"Impeccable logic, lady, but truth be told, I’m here as fool to the little princess.† I was new to the castle, and did not want to be held accountable for telling Goneril something that the king didn’t wish her to know. â€Å"Well, Cordelia is having her nap, so until she wakes you are my fool. I so decree it.† The ladies clapped at the royal decree. â€Å"Again, irrefutable logic,† said I to the thick but comely princess. â€Å"Proceed.† â€Å"Pocket, you have traveled the land, tell me, what is it like to be a peasant?† â€Å"Well, milady, I’ve never been a peasant, strictly speaking, but for the most part, I’m told it’s wake early, work hard, suffer hunger, catch the plague, and die. Then get up the next morning and do it all again.† â€Å"Every day?† â€Å"Well, if you’re a Christian – on Sunday you get up early, go to church, suffer hunger until you have a big meal of barley and swill, then catch the plague and die.† â€Å"Hunger? Is that why they seem so wretched and unhappy?† â€Å"That would be one of the reasons. But there’s much to be said for hard work, disease, run-of-the-mill suffering, and the odd witch burning or virgin sacrifice, depending on your faith.† â€Å"If they are hungry, why don’t they just eat something?† â€Å"That is an excellent idea, milady. Someone should suggest that.† â€Å"Oh, I shall make a most excellent duchess, I think. The people will praise me for my wisdom.† â€Å"Most certainly, milady,† said I. â€Å"Your father married his sister, then, did he, love?† â€Å"Heavens no, mother was a Belgian princess, why do you ask?† â€Å"Heraldry is my hobby, go on.† Once we were inside the main curtain wall[25] of Castle Albany, it was clear that we would go no farther. The main keep of the castle stood behind yet another curtain wall and had its own drawbridge, over a dry ditch rather than a moat. The bridge was lowering even as the king approached. Goneril walked out on the drawbridge unaccompanied, wearing a gown of green velvet, laced a bit too tightly. If the intent was to lessen the rise of her bosom it failed miserably, and brought gasps and guffaws from several of the knights until Curan raised his hand for silence. â€Å"Father, welcome to Albany,† said Goneril. â€Å"All hail good king and loving father.† She held out her arms and the anger drained from Lear’s face. He climbed down from his horse. I scampered to the king’s side and steadied him. Captain Curan signaled and the rest of the train dismounted. As I straightened Lear’s cape about his shoulders, I caught Goneril’s eye. â€Å"Missed you, pumpkin.† â€Å"Knave,† said she under her breath. â€Å"She was always the most fair of the three,† I said to Lear. â€Å"And certainly the most wise.† â€Å"My lord means to accidentally hang your fool, Father.† â€Å"Ah, well, if accident, there’s no fault but Fate,† said I with a grin – pert and nimble spirit of mirth that I am. â€Å"But call then for a spanking of Fate’s fickle bottom and hit it good, lady.† I winked and smacked the horse’s rump. Wit’s arrow hit and Goneril blushed. â€Å"I’ll see you hit, you wicked little dog.† â€Å"Enough of that,† said Lear. â€Å"Leave the boy alone. Come give your father a hug.† Jones barked enthusiastically and chanted, â€Å"A fool must hit it. A fool must hit it, hit it good.† The puppet knows a lady’s weakness. â€Å"Father,† said she, â€Å"I’m afraid we’ve accommodation only for you in the castle. Your knights and others will have to make do in the outer bailey.[26] We’ve quarters and food for them by the stables.† â€Å"But what about my fool?† â€Å"Your fool can sleep in the stable with the rest of the rabble.† â€Å"So be it.† Lear let his eldest lead him into the castle like a milk cow by the nose ring. â€Å"She truly loathes you, doesn’t she?† said Kent. He was busy wrapping himself around a pork shoulder the size of a toddler – his Welsh accent actually sounding more natural through the grease and gristle than when clear. â€Å"Not to worry, lad,† said Curan, who had joined us by our fire. â€Å"We’ll not let Albany hang you. Will we, lads!?† Soldiers all around us cheered, not sure what they were cheering for, beyond the fact that they were enjoying the first full meal with ale that they’d had since leaving the White Tower. A small village was housed inside the bailey and some of the knights were already wandering off in search of an alehouse and a whore. We were outside the castle, but at least we were out of the wind, and we could sleep in the stables, which the pages and squires had mucked out on our arrival. â€Å"But if we’re not welcome in the great hall, then they are not welcome to the talents of the king’s fool,† said Curan. â€Å"Sing us a song, Pocket.† A cheer went up around the camp: â€Å"Sing! Sing! Sing!† Kent raised an eyebrow. â€Å"Go ahead, lad, your witches will wait.† I am what I am. I drained my flagon of ale, set it by the fire, then whistled loudly, jumped up, did three somersaults and laid out into a back-flip, wherefrom I landed with Jones pointed at the moon, and said, â€Å"A ballad, then!?† â€Å"Aye!† came the cheer. And ever so sweetly, I crooned the lilting love song â€Å"Shall I Shag My Lady Upon the Shire?† I followed that with a bit of a narrative song by way of a troubadour tradition: â€Å"The Hanging of Willie Wagging William.† Well, everyone likes a story after supper, and by the one-eyed balls of the Cyclops, that one got them clapping, so I slowed it down a bit with the solemn ballad, â€Å"Dragon Spooge Befouled My Bonny Bonny Lass.† Bloody inconsiderate to leave a train of fighting men fighting back tears, so I danced my way around the camp while singing the shanty â€Å"Alehouse Lilly (She’ll Bonk You Silly).† I was about to say good night and head out when Curan called for silence and a road-worn herald wearing a great golden fleur-delis on his chest entered the camp. He unrolled his scroll and read. â€Å"Hear ye, hear ye. Let it be known that King Philip the Twenty-seventh of France is dead. God rest his soul. Long live France. Long live the king!† No one â€Å"long lived the king† back at him and he seemed disappointed. Although one knight did murmur â€Å"So?† and another, â€Å"Good bloody riddance.† â€Å"Well, you British pig dogs, Prince Jeff is now king,† said the herald. We all looked at each other and shrugged. â€Å"And Princess Cordelia of Britain is now Queen of France,† the herald added, rather huffy now. â€Å"Oh,† said many, realizing at last at least a glancing relevance. â€Å"Jeff?† said I. â€Å"The bloody frog prince is called Jeff?† I strode to the herald and snatched the scroll out of his hand. He tried to take it back and I clouted him with Jones. â€Å"Calm, lad,† said Kent, taking the scroll from me and handing it back to the herald. â€Å"Merci,† said he to the messenger. â€Å"He took my bloody princess and my monkey’s name!† said I, taking another swing with Jones, which missed its mark as Kent was dragging me away. â€Å"You should be pleased,† said Kent. â€Å"Your lady is the Queen of France.† â€Å"And don’t think she’s not going to rub my nose in that when I see her.† â€Å"Come, lad, let’s go find your witches. We’ll want to be back by morning in time for Albany to accidentally hang you.† â€Å"Oh, she’d like that, wouldn’t she?† How to cite Fool Chapter 8, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Recently, the media has spent an increasing amount Essay Example For Students

Recently, the media has spent an increasing amount Essay afd of broadcast time on new technology. The focus of high-tech media has been aimed at the flurry of advances concerning artificial intelligence (AI). What is artificial intelligence and what is the media talking about? Are these technologies beneficial to our society or mere novelties among business and marketing professionals? Medical facilities, police departments, and manufacturing plants have all been changed by AI but how? These questions and many others are the concern of the general public brought about by the lack of education concerning rapidly advancing computer technology. Artificial intelligence is defined as the ability of a machine to think for itself. Scientists and theorists continue to debate if computers will actually be able to think for themselves at one point (Patterson 7). The generally accepted theory is that computers do and will think more in the future. AI has grown rapidly in the last ten years chiefly because of the advances in computer architecture. The term artificial intelligence was actually coined in 1956 by a group of scientists having their first meeting on the topic (Patterson 6). Early attempts at AI were neural networks modeled after the ones in the human brain. Success was minimal at best because of the lack of computer technology needed to calculate such large equations. AI is achieved using a number of different methods. The more popular implementations comprise neural networks, chaos engineering, fuzzy logic, knowledge based systems, and expert systems. Using any one of the aforementioned design structures requires a spec ialized computer system. For example, Anderson Consulting applies a knowledge based system to commercial loan officers using multimedia (Hedburg 121). Their system requires a fast IBM desktop computer. Other systems may require even more horsepower using exotic computers or workstations. Even more exotic is the software that is used. Since there are very few applications that are pre-written using AI, each company has to write its own software for the solution to the problem. An easier way around this obstacle is to design an add-on. The company FuziWare makes several applications that act as an addition to a larger application. FuziCalc, FuziQuote, FuziCell, FuziChoice, and FuziCost are all products that are use!d as management decision support systems for other off-the shelf applications (Barron 111). In order to tell that AI is present we must be able to measure the intelligence being used. For a relative scale of reference, large supercomputers can only create a brain the size of a fly (Butler and Caudill 5). It is surprising what a computer can do with that intelligence once it has been put to work. Almost any scientific, business, or financial profession can benefit greatly from AI. The ability of the computer to analyze variables provides a great advantage to these fields. There are many ways that AI can be used to solve a problem. Virtually all of these methods require special hardware and software to use them. Unfortunately, that makes AI systems expensive. Consulting firms, companies that design computing solutions for their clients, have offset that cost with the quality of the system. Many new AI systems now give a special edge that is needed to beat the competition. Neural networks have entered the spotlight with surprisingly successful results. A neural network is a type of information processing system whose architecture is similar to the structure of biological neural systems (Butler and Caudill 5). The neural network tries to mimic the way a brain and nervous system work by analyzing sensory inputs and calculating an outcome. A neural network is usually composed of simple decision making elements that are connected with variable weights and strengths. Each one these elements is called a neurode. The term neurode is similar to the biological n euron. The term was modified slightly to indicate an artificial nature. Memory is stored by a certain pattern of the connection weights between the neurodes. Processing information is performed by changing and spreading the connections weights among the network. Before it can be used a neural network must be trained. Some can learn by themselves, some require training by doing, and oth!ers learn by trial and error. A computer learns by naturally associating items the computer is taught and grouping

Friday, November 29, 2019

Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression

Introduction Depression is a stage in stress psychology and it can affect any person across the gender and demographic variables. However, depression is more common in women than men and statistics shows that in the united state in every three reported cases of depression one is a man while the ratio increases to worldwide statistics which stands at 3 to 1.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Although, there is much to be researched on the gender differences of depression, there are general causes of depression either environmental or biological. This paper will try to discuss several methodological bias associated with sex depression. Clinician Bias In this description, it argues that people who are over-reliant for self-esteem and identity are more exposed to the risks of getting depression incase of a relation break out. Since self-esteem comes from external sources, these people cannot deal with the loss hence reacting passively. The similarity between the depression-prone people and collection of traits are used to distinguish women in the normal course of body development. The research has shown that there is a relationship between masculinity and depression where lower masculinity results to higher rate of depression. The interpretation here characterizes women with low masculinity hence lower sex orientation in women than in men. Both low masculinity and depression symptoms are as a result of low self-esteem (Helgeson, 2009) Response bias This is referred to as a bias which affects the results of responses or deviation in judgment making on particular situations. It’s believed that men suffer less from depression because of their avoidance in expressing feelings compared to women. It’s also arguable that women are available to nurture each other in case of the depressive feeling hence lowering their rejection. Other evidence indicates that when various socio-economic and demographic factors are carefully controlled sex depression is reduced or totally eliminated. Relatively both male and female youths who are unmarried are in the same risks of getting depressed, but the rate increases to women once they get married. Differing manifestation of Depression Researchers have prescribed that the depression in women and men to be treated differently for they are fully different. Although women depression is denoted by several causes, depressions associated with socio life conditions should not be viewed as a clinical type of depression (Peta, 2002).Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It’s taken in a great concern to analyze the reasons leading to depression mostly in women, and then, identify long-lasting strategies to curb this challenge and advocat e for women mental health policies that oversee their needs. It’s, therefore, necessary to any psychiatrist within psychiatry to define mental illness of every patient in order to determine the most appropriate diagnosis and also provides ways to defend against contradictory medical evidence. Furthermore, the problem of depression is much more prevalent in women than it is with men not only as being induced by the societal interaction problems and pressures, but depression in women may become worse due to their biological makeup/ components in the body. In this connection, there are evidence from research results which have shown that women are greatly affected by hormonal factors/ elements such as estrogen, which bring about menopausal symptoms. This is well observed during adolescent or teenager’s stage when the hormonal elements are fully produced and active in the body. In short, this may be perpetuated to old age and be augmented by other environmental factors, es pecially for those exposed under different unfavorable social conditions at workplace and/or within the community they live in. References Helgeson, V. S. (2009). Psychology of Gender. NJ: Pearson Education, Inc Peta, S. (2002). Feminist Research: Prospect and Retrospect. Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women This critical writing on Methodological Bias Associated with Sex Depression was written and submitted by user Niko Bonner to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Third Wave essays

The Third Wave essays In Alvin Toffler's book, "The Third Wave," he discusses our progression as a society. One can easily see the pattern to the mentioned waves. He describes wave one as the start of agriculture. It also marks the beginning of our culture. Wave two, marks the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, atomic destruction, and mainstream items. The change that takes place between these two waves is the start of what we call progress. It impacted our families, our planet, and set the pace for economics. With first "wave" of families, communities were formed. Every member of each community contributed to the necessities of the group. Family run farms produced what the town needed. Mass production was not a practice. Communities only produced what was necessary Families had shared responsibilities. Jobs were typically family trades passed down from father to son for many generations. Every person played a key role in the town's existence. In the second wave, we see the start of a more selfish minded society. Industrialism begins to break the family traditions and draw its member's away to cities run by factories. These establishments would supply what would become mainstream items. Labor was done in the name of progress, and colonies suffered an incremental change. Another ongoing change also takes place in our value of life. Our desire for existence in wave one was only of a minimal requirement. We only took what was needed from our planet. Land was of precious value, and treated as such. Nature was a gift that dispensed its gifts continually meeting our demands. With the start of progress, we soon found a tool for mass destruction. Atomic bombs were manifested as weapons of annihilation. It was a time of total negligence, and mass destruction. Requirements changed to a need for excessive power. The potential to obliterate our whole existence evolved from a culture that once loved the land. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky Essay

Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky - Essay Example The old woman is crazy, deaf, sick, greedy, and evil. She charges scandalous rates of interest, devours the well-being of others, and, having reduced her younger sister to the state of a servant, oppresses her with work. She is good for nothing. "Why does she live" "Is she useful to anyone at all" These and other questions carry the young man's mind astray. He decides to kill and rob her so as to make his mother, who is living in the provinces, happy; to save his sister from the libidinous importunities of the head of the estate where she is serving as a lady's companion; and then to finish his studies, go abroad and be for the rest of his life honest, firm, and unflinching in fulfilling his humanitarian duty toward mankind. This would, according to him, "make up for the crime," if one can call this act a crime, which is committed against an old, deaf, crazy, evil, sick woman, who does not know why she is living and who would perhaps die in a month anyway. (Notes 2007) The story is basically the struggle between Raskolnikov's Napoleon-bermensch theory and his conscience which make him confess to his crime. According to Tanguay (1997), the novel is an expos of the evil system which forced upon Raskolnikov the choice between crime and death by starvation. However, as the epilogue goes, the novel suggests the brighter side of man's connection to his creator as its more important theme. A repentant man can still hope for his benevolent creator waiting to hear him confess. This paper discusses how Fyodor Dostoevsky tries to present his message through many techniques. Basically, he tackles the issue of poverty and tries to show how an intelligent university student goes about in solving his financial problems. With it is the bermensch theory which he puts in the mind of Raskolnikov, thinking an ordinary man can become extraordinary - jumping from one level to another. The problem is that it has to be done with a crime and to come off it clean. The novel shows that the thinking of the protagonist, Raskolnikov, comes from great men like Napoleon who made history. From here, he uses dreams to foreshadow what is to come or make flashbacks on the past to register well a point. The novel throughout speaks of poverty as a theme as the different characters portray how they each respond to their problem of making both ends meet. As the characters go about their business, especially with Raskolnikov, Dostoevsky tries to go deep into the workings of the mind and present the progression of the psychological struggles. Dostoevsky also utilizes character contrasts to magnify other characters, such as the employ of the oversexed Svidrigalov trying to express regret for his dastardly acts by expressing charity after every wild act. He is contrasted against Raskolnikov who looks up to him as the extraordinary man who can commit crime without any pangs of regret. Dostoevsky finally ends his novel with a meaningful epilogue about man's redemption and his final association with his creator. The discussions that follow deal deeper with these elements to show how Dostoevsky tries to communicate his message. Communicating the message The social issue of poverty. Dostoevsky portrayed the contemporary social reality. Raskolnikov's murdering of the old moneylender resulted apparently from his dire poverty. He had no alternative but murder and robbery if he were to survive. From a thesis

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How important was the Meiji Emperor in shaping the era of change over Research Paper

How important was the Meiji Emperor in shaping the era of change over which he reigned - Research Paper Example Meiji can be a very good choice for someone trying to create a radio or television documentary concerning the social history of Japanese’s nation. This is because of his role in the Japanese social and political reforms. His activities in office give him interesting candidature that does not only entertain, but also historic figure. The most famous sense of pride to the Japanese is the Meiji restoration that bears his names, the abolishment of the idea of feudalism, and the impending industrialization in the Japan. Meiji Emperor Emperor Meiji was initially referred to as Prince Mutsuhito, and was born on 3 November 1852 to Nakayama and emperor Komei. Mutsuhito used the name Meiji, which meant the enlightened government. Soon after being promoted to be the emperor, he changed his name to Meiji whilst moving the capital from Kyoto to Tokyo. Kyoto had been the imperial capital’s location for many years. During this period the Meiji restoration and revolution was still unde rway. The forces of imperialism gathered under Meiji’ rule and they manage to defeat the Tokugawa. Thereafter, the power passed to daimyo who was the leader of the revolution. Meiji retained his title and prowess as the emperor though the government had become an oligarchy comprising the political, economic, and greatest military men of Japan. Meiji himself was a symbol of leadership, and thus championed the peace restoration in his territory by assisting the imperialists defeat the Shoguanate. The Reign of Emperor Meiji When the emperor of Meiji was restored, Japanese State had a weak military. During this time, Japan was primarily an agricultural State with low levels of technological development. Many of the independent feud lords controlled the emperor. The western powers hard initially forced Japan to sign agreements that restricted its control over its own external trade. In this regard, they demanded that crimes touching on foreigners in Japan to face trial in the west ern courts, and not Japan. At the end of the Meiji emperor following his demise in 1912, Japan had improved in many ways (Herbert, 2000). They had a highly bureaucratic and centralized mode of government, and a constitution outlining the establishment of an elected parliament. In addition, they had a well-developed transport and communication network. They also had well-educated citizens free from feudal restrictions of class. Japan had established a rapidly growing industrial sector rooted on the latest advancement in technology. The establishment of powerful armed forces of the army and navy followed all these. By this time, Japan had completely regained foreign trade control and all the legal systems. It had established full self-governance and equality in almost all international affairs following its victory over the two wars. One of the wars was against Russia who was a major European power. Japan had gone past its goals in a less than a generation. In that process, it changed its society as a whole. Success in modernization of Japan has related interest in how and why it was in a position to adopt western social, political, and economic institutions within a very short time. The answer to this was found in Meiji restoration. The political revolution is what restored the emperor back to power and he did not rule directly. People expected him to listen to the advice of those who had overthrown the shogun. In this regard, small group of ambitious, patriotic, and able young men from the lower levels of samurai

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Electoral Landscape Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Electoral Landscape - Essay Example While it is nothing new for voters to want for a change in political leadership, the 2008 presidential election represented an important change in American politics. Barack Obama broke a major racial barrier for African-Americans by becoming the first black American president. Race is likely to be a much less important issue in the future than it has been in the past because Obama has proven that race is no longer an absolute barrier to electability. Obama was able to overcome racial prejudice and the disadvantages of being a little known senator by taking advantage of the growing influence of the Internet and social media. The 2008 election was the first presidential election in which communication through the Internet played a major role (NPR). Lastly, between 2004 and 2008 the economy became the dominant election issue over issues of national security and terrorism. While the Republican Party is generally seen as stronger on economic issues, the economic collapse in 2008 was blame d on the economic policies of Bush by a wide margin (Hagerty 1), and the War on Terror fell out of favor. Works Cited Hagerty, Barbara. â€Å"Exit polls link Obama victory to economic fears.† 4 Nov. 2008.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Reductive Carbonylation of Organic Nitro Compounds

The Reductive Carbonylation of Organic Nitro Compounds Introduction: The development of environmentally more benign and efficient synthetic methods has stimulated the evolution of new strategies and technologies for the synthesis of useful products in a safe, compact, and energy efficient manner. In this respect our preliminary focus to investigate typically efficient and complementary methodology with palladium-catalyzed reductive carbonylation of nitro arenes employing CO gas. CO represents the most important C1 building block molecule to introduce a carbonyl group into parent molecules. In the last fifty years, the reductive carbonylation of organic nitro compounds has been the subject of intense research due to the fact that industrially important chemicals can be obtained in a single step. Among these, the most relevant are isocyanates, ureas and carbamates but also a number of heterocycles and other non-cyclic compounds. Isocyanates are commodity chemicals mostly employed in polyurethane synthesis but also intermediates in the production of carbamates and ureas. Polyurethanes are widely applied in almost every part of modern life in the form of plastic foams, coatings, adhesives, sealants and elastomers and binders. The most widely employed aromatic isocyanates are especially toluenediisocyanate (TDI) and 4,4-methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) that account for more than seven million metric tons per year. Synthesis of Isocyanetes: Currently, industrial synthesis of isocyanates is carried out with two step reaction process using nitroarenes with very high yield and selectivity. Nitroarenes is usually reduced to corresponding aniline using heterogeneous transition metal catalyst, and subsequently the amine is reacted with phosgene to give corresponding isocyanate along with hydrochloric acid. Phosgene based synthetic route seemed to be effective and well established technology employed. Major drawbacks of the phosgene based synthesis: There are essentially four major drawbacks with the synthesis of MDI and TDI via phosgene route. The first and most prominent observation are its extreme toxicity and flammability of phosgene and isocyanates, which make these chemicals extremely difficult to handle in bulk synthesis. Phosgene was used as a chemical weapon during the World War I, and around million people were injured and got killed by the use of poisonous gases. The second major drawback is the production of corrosive hydrochloric acid, rendering the medium very aggressive with time, thus allowing other side reaction to occur and to result in reactor degradation. The third limiting factor is the dilution of reaction medium as the high dilution is required to avoid recycling and concentration costs. The final drawback is the isolation of pure isocyanate from reaction mixture. The chloride containing side products are difficult-to-remove from the final product leading to detrimental to the further processing of the isocyanate. Considering above drawbacks, any process design incorporating phosgene will get extra costs to ensure a safe environment. Industrial requirements for an alternative isocyanate synthesis: In order to replace the phosgene route, a number of requirements can be made in the ideal scenario. First of all, readily accessible chemicals should be used and second, they should be as harmless as possible. Finally, a one-step synthetic procedure will be the route par excellence. A high overall yield, purity and selectivity, a temperature close to about 25 oC and the absence of over and/or under pressures in the plant should be preserved ideally. In principle, most of the requirements could be met by an efficient catalytic system.The additional requirements such as Turn Over Frequency (TOF) in the order of 104 h-1 or higher, Turn Over Number (TON) in the order of 106 or above and easy recycling of catalyst would be maintained. On this account, the necessity of environmentally acceptable but still economically competitive phosgene-free route to isocyanates synthesis is most demanding in near future. Alternative routes to TDI and MDI: Various synthetic pathways to isocyanates: Reductive carbonylation with Palladium metal catalyzed system has proved to be an effective transition metal catalytic system due to its ability to be oxidized or reduced easily during the reaction and high tendency to form complexes with carbamoyl groups.A palladium strongly prefers the oxidation states 0 and +2, which are separated by a relatively narrow energy gap, making palladium an excellent catalyst for both oxidation and reduction reactions. Secondly, the moderately large van der Waals radius of palladium together with the high number of delectrons (favorable d10 and d8 complexes) means that the organometal is classified as rather â€Å"soft†, with a high tendency for concerted reaction as well as a high affinity to â€Å"soft† and -donors, leading to useful chemoselectivity. Finally, Pd is relatively electronegative, resulting in a rather nonpolar Pd-C bond, suppressing the reactivity towards polar functional groups. In our previous report, nitrobenzene was typically used as a model substrate, and the use of palladium proved to result in the most effective catalytic systems. The carbonylation of nitrobenzene is generally performed in methanol using homogeneous palladium complexes supported by variable bidentate N- or P- donor ligands. Methyl phenyl carbamate (MPC) was synthesized including other side products. Isocyanates and catalysis: Within the vast variety of synthetic strategy for isocyanates, one of the approaches is to catalytically convert a nitro or amine compound to the corresponding isocyanate (see Figure 4). One of the approach using oxidative carbonylation and carboalkoxylation of aniline has been studied with various catalytic systems. However, aniline have to be synthesized by hydrogenation of nitrobenzene, thus considering industrial application, the most attractive strategy would be direct synthesis of isocyanates from nitro compounds which is also thermodynamically favorable. Reactivity of isocyanates and carbamates: Phosphorus and Nitrogen as donor atoms: Both phosphorus and nitrogen ligands of the YR3 (Y = P, N) type (called phosphines and amines respectively) can be described as sp3 hybrids in a (close to) tetrahedral geometry, having a lone pair on the central atom, capable of donating its electron density to an empty (transition) metal d-orbital. Amines are more electronegative than their phosphine analogues, so it could bind strongly with metal centre. However, unlike amines, phosphines can act as a Ï€ acid with their ÏÆ'* orbitals, so they can be involved in Ï€ backbonding (providing the metal has available d-electrons), rendering the overall bond strength larger than would be expected intuitively (see Figure 6). So, the overall bond strength is determined by an interplay of ÏÆ' donation and Ï€ backbonding, the first having an increasing contribution when electropositive/donating substituents are employed, the latter when electronegative/withdrawing substituents are used. In 1990, E. Drent et. al. reported the palladium catalyze reductive carbonylation of nitroarene introducing â€Å"soft-base† ligands like diphosphines in combination with strongly coordinating anions, or â€Å"hard-base† electron-donating ligands such as phenanthroline, combined with non- or weakly-coordinating anions, resulted in relatively active and selective catalytic systems (maximal TOF’s (h-1)/ carbamate selectivities (%) = 150/80 and 1600/98 for diphosphines and phenanthroline respectively). General remarks on P and N based systems: In general, the statement made by Drent already in 1990 that: ‘Pd with chelating â€Å"hard base† electron donating ligands such as phenanthroline, combined with   non or weakly coordinating anions, can result in relatively active and selective catalytic systems.’ Has been generally accepted and indeed thoroughly studied in the past decades by several people. On the other hand, the statement that: ‘Pd with chelating â€Å"soft-base†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ ligands like diphosphines in combination with strongly   coordinating anions , can result in respectively active and selective catalytic systems.’ Has not yet been the subject of intense academic studies, most likely due to the poor results that were obtained initially, when compared to the N-donor systems. However, in principle, there is no reason why N-donor systems should be superior to P-donor systems, except that phosphine ligands are known to be easily oxidized, thus troubling both the preparation and use of such systems. On the basis of recent observations on chelating N-donor systems like 1,10-phenanthroline with electron donating substituents (R) in combination with Pd(II) and a weakly or non-coordinating anions (Y), comprises the most active systems to date (i.e. [Pd(Rxphen)2][Y]2). Since, 1, 10- phenanthroline (unfettered of substituents ) is relatively cheap and readily available, this ligand ligand is most frequently used. Furthermore, the performed catalyst is more active and selective than its in situ formed analogues and in almost all cases a slight excess of free ligand is added. The addition of a BrOnsted acid (with bulky, non-coordinating anion) as a co catalyst , as well as the addition of a substrate related aniline is known to improve both reactivity and selectivity. The experiment is carried out in inert atmosphere and addition of reactive drying agent is also known to be beneficial. The temperatures are mostly around 120 – 170 oC, and both the concentration of all components a nd the reaction times are differed considerably. Methanol is used as a typical solvent , which is partially consumed to yield the carbamate, but occasionally toluene/methanol or other alcohols are used. Finally, the influence of varying CO pressure results in different reactivity. Most reactions were performed at pCO = 40 – 80 bar, the best results were obtained at pCO = 100 bar, and the elevated pressures are believed to enhance the reactivity even further. The Mechanism The palladium catalyzed reductive carbonylation of nitrobenzene in methanol has been investigated in great extent. All catalytic reactions were performed using both catalyst precursor and pre-formed complex resulted carbamate as well as side products. There are frequently reported (side-) products of this reaction are shown in Figure. : azobenzene(Azo), azoxybenzene (Azoxy), aniline and N.N’-diphenylurea (DPU). Azo and Azoxy are resulted as coupling product of nitrobenzene. Aniline and DPU are hydrogenation products which are indicating the presence of moisture in the reaction mixture as well as methanol could be source of H-atom for hydrogenation reaction. DPU is the carbamate analogue of isocyanate reacting with aniline which is the better nucleophile than methanol. The mechanism of reductive carbonylation of nitro compounds into carbamates has been extensively studied with palladium, (substituted) phenanthroline ligands, MeOH as solvent and an acid cocatalyst. The mechanism proposed by Mooibroek et al. seems to be the most complete as it also explains the formation of all side products Scheme: . The palladium-imido species L2Pd=NPh (C3) and the palladacycle L2PdC(O)N(Ph)OC(O) (C2) were considered as possible carbonylation product-releasing species for both (substituted) phenanthroline and diphosphine ligated catalytic system. The result of catalytic experiments , supported by spectroscopic (ESI-MS and NMR) compound C2 is not the major product- releasing intermediate in reactions performed in the absence of acid. In the absence of acid, Pd-imido complex C3 is the proposed reaction intermediate releasing PhN-containing (Azoxy, MPC, PhNH2) products. On the other hand, in the presence of acid the palladacycle complex C2 becomes the major product-releasing intermediate, resulting the nitrobenzene carbonylation product MPC with high selectivity. Different side products: In all catalytic reactions performed using both catalyst precursor and pre-formed complex resulted carbamate as well as side products. The side product are Conclusion and future prospects: In conclusion, the incentive research output from the last decade facilitated us to understand the catalytic reductive carbonylation reaction of nitroarenes to produce relevant carbamates. The reactivity of PdII compounds supported by 1, 10-phenanthroline (phen) or the bidentate diaryl phosphane has been studied in the reaction of nitrobenzene with CO in methanol. The nitrobenzene reduction chemistry in the Pd/phen/CH3OH/H+ system resulted higher in selectivity but lower in activity wherein Pd/diphospane/CH3OH/H+ system shows higher in activity but lower in selectivity. Based on our continuing interest in reductive carbonylations of nitro-aromatic compounds and considering the importance towards sustainable synthesis of isocyanates, herein our further approach to develop a ultimate catalytic composition of reactants which can produce highly selective product with high yield having tiny or no side-products. However, despite rationalized molecular mechanism developed by Tiddo et. al. f or above catalytic system is still not efficient enough, nor is it exactly clear how the catalyst works. In recent years, Great progress has been made in extending the scope of palladium-catalyzed synthetic organic reactions introducing in-situ reductive carbonylation reaction with CO generated from the solvent molecules. Manirul et. al. have reported polymer anchored ruthenium based catalyst for reductive carbonylation. Raquel et. al. have investigated that gold nanoparticles are efficient in N-carbamoylation of aromatic amines. In this respect, further elucidation of the overall mechanism and research in new directions is urgent requirement to produce effective palladium based reductive carbonylation of nitro-aromatic compounds considering industrial background. Thus, the current research project will address several issues which are envisaged to be worthwhile to explore. Firstly, the modification of ligand system, secondly the designing of catalyst system, thirdly the mechanism, and finally the use of other additives in the catalyst system to be fine-tuned. Modification of ligand system: The active species in the catalytic cycle as Pd(0) are seem to be as stable as possible to prevent inactive metallic Pd(black) formation. Our previous research work were illustrated the sharp observation of the bidentate P or N ligand based Pd-catalyzed system to achieve maximum activity and selectivity. Our further observations are envisaged based on tripodal P and N system to stabilize Pd(0) species as well as Pd(II) species during catalytic transformations. The concept of monolegated active species stabilizing Pd(0) by steric bulk ligand is rationalized to enhance the reactivity. On the basis of the palladium catalyzed coupling reaction of aryl halides system employed with electron rich N-heterocycle carbene ligand which exhibits flexible steric bulk environment, Several factors will be assumed to be execute in these system: 1) electron-rich nature enhances the rate of oxidative addition, 2) the ligands coordinate tightly to the Pd to prevent the formation of Pd black, and 3) thei r steric bulk favors a 12 electron, monocarbene–Pd [L-Pd] species and increases the rate of reductive elimination. Variation in carbamate synthesis: The formation of carbamates in the catalytic system utilizing PdII, phenantroline, acid and various nucleophile has been studied extensively to find an alternative for MeOH as nucleophile. The objective is to yield a carbamate or urea which can be pyrolised at lower temperatures to save energy and prevent degradation of the formed isocyanate. The changing the nucleophile is not straightforward, as the use of another nucleophile as a solvent may be too expensive or not possible (if the nucleophile is a solid), hence use of a solvent may be necessary. Therefore, non –nucleophilic solvents have to be tested in combination with potential nucleophiles in the catalytic synthesis of carbamates and ureas. Despite the use of common known compound used as a nucleophile, still there are broad spectrum of nucleophiles to be tested with various combinations. Isolation of Palladium-imido complex:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay About Family: Inside the Nightstand :: Personal Narrative essay about my family

Inside the Nightstand We live together now, my boyfriend and I. It’s still new to both of us. 41 North State Street- that’s us. The quiet apartment lined by two rows of cement drive, an oak tree, and his step-mother’s opinion that we are â€Å"too young to be living together seriously.† We share our bedroom, square in shape, with the bed pressed tightly to the far wall, curtains embracing the narrow sides of the mattress. It’s ours- the bed, the room, the oak tree, and the way my toothpaste sticks to the sides of the white sink. The toothpaste doesn’t bother me, but it’s something I’m working on. We’re still getting use to all this. Sharing a bathroom is what we’re working on at the moment. Home alone I find myself organizing- shiny silverware drawers, old, half-bent novels, rows of mismatched socks. My mother calls and tells me I must get out more. I opt instead for making the bed in our square shaped room, but not before casting myself between the sheets, my bare back feeling warm against the patch of sun-stricken cotton. Beside the bed is the nightstand. My face shines innocently in a picture of myself taken with my father at age four. His dark bushy hair and matching 80’s mustache contrast with the pale frame of my body sitting on the counter beside him. Near that is the picture of my best friend Erin and me. We were in Paris. The close frame of the picture cuts off anything below our necks, hiding her belly that has recently become home to a tiny son- due to arrive early January. Inside the nightstand many things sit quiet: an old red wallet, a shirt with a broken left strap, a journal, and a stack of pictures from my 21st birthday party. I open the wallet to see if, by chance, I was smart enough to leave myself some backup cash. The slots inside lay empty, bent over from years of wear and tear. I remember how I used some of my graduation money from high school to buy this wallet.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Leader Profiling – Leadership – Golda Meir

Golda Meir’s Determination, loyalty, integrity and conscientiousness were major leadership traits that will always be respected in the Jewish community. She was described as the â€Å"Iron Lady† of  Israeli politics  years before the term became associated with British prime minister  Margaret Thatcher. Former prime minister  David Ben-Gurion  used to call Meir â€Å"the best man in the government†; * Determination: the desire to get the job done (Northouse, p. 25) Golda Meir was determined to overachieve and protect Israel’s interests throughout her life, even throughout her childhood she organized a fund raisers to pay for her classmates’ books.Another display of determination was entering politics, a male dominated field, and being praised by her subordinates for her decisions. She was determined to lead a change and always sought after leadership positions. â€Å"Although she was born in Russia and educated in the United States, where she trained as a teacher, she arrived in Palestine when she was in her twenties and lived on a kibbutz. She immediately became active in the newly-formed Histadrut trade union movement† (Butt, 1998) * Loyalty – Golda Meir’s loyalty to Israel cannot be questioned.With her family fleeing Russia where she was born in 1898, to begin a new life in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There she developed a passionate commitment to form a Jewish state. She worked tirelessly by raising money and used her gifts of charm and oratory to promote the cause of an independent Jewish state. * Integrity – the quality of honesty and trustworthiness. (Northouse, p. 25) Golda Meir saw integrity as the currency of Israel’s survival (Burkett, 2008). The way Golda spoke with her followers and involved them in decision making built a high level of trust and honesty within the Israeli government.Meir led by example; she practiced the same morals and beliefs that she preached. * Conscient iousness – the tendency to be thorough, organized, controlled, dependable, and decisive (Northouse, p. 27). Golda Meir’s conscientiousness was shown during her academic career, where she graduated as valedictorian. Moreover she has shown her control, dependability, and hard work On May 10, 1948, four days before the official establishment of the state, Meir traveled to  Amman  disguised as an Arab woman for a secret meeting with  King of  Transjordan  at which she urged him not to join the other Arab countries in attacking the Jews.Golda Meir had many of the traits associated with a transformational leader, such as idealized influence, charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration. Golda Meir led by the rule of dedication to her country and her personal concern for all people are legendary. Whatever Golda Meir did, she did for the people, always listened to her followers and wasn’t intolerant of opposing views, she considered all options and whenever she had to make a decision she consulted with her team.Since Israel was established to be a Jewish state, she worked to improve the lives of her people; she created a vision for the young state to ensure that Jews across the world learned of her vision and take the necessary steps to achieve it. Meir was the leader Israel needed in a time of crisis, she was charismatic with exceptional rhetoric skills, and both attributes are crucial to political leaders. â€Å"†¦transformational leadership results in people feeling better about themselves and their contributions to the greater common goal† (Northouse, p. 00) Indeed Jews across the world migrated to Israel in hopes of living in Golda Meir’s overall vision of the state of Israel. Golda Meir’s ability to lead the people to their common goal while keeping a unified nation, not becoming power hungry, and always keeping what’s best for the country first, are the main goals and achievements of an ideal transformational leader.SOURCES http://news. bbc. co. uk/2/hi/events/israel_at_50/profiles/81288. stm http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Golda_Meir Golda Meir: The Iron Lady of the Middle East: The First Woman Prime Minister in the West, Eleanor Burkett, Gibson Square Books Ltd; (2008)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Management and Hr Professional Working Essay

Human Resources Profession Map The map was designed to assist HR Professionals in there career progression by describing the highest standards of professional competence that can be achieved. The Map is broken down in to three elements: Professional Areas Made up of 10 segments, these describe the areas within the HR discipline and what is required. The two core areas of the map. Strategies, Insights and Solutions This area defines that the HR person needs to have a deep understanding of the business activities, strategies and plans. The strategies created must focus on the needs of the customers and employees, and add value to the organisation. They must be aware of issues that could affect the strategy and come up with solutions to adapt it. Leading and Managing The Human Resources HR professionals need to be able to leads and manage a fit for purpose HR function, Ensuring that the function has the right capability, capacity, and organisation design, and that HR employees are fully engaged, work collaboratively to support each other, each understanding what their own role is and how it  contributes  to the overall organisation strategy. The organisation design professional ensures that the organisation is appropriately designed to deliver organisation objectives in the short and long-term and that structural change is effectively managed. Organisation Development is about ensuring the organisation has a committed, ‘fit for the future’ workforce needed to deliver its strategic ambition. It plays a vital part in ensuring that the organisation culture, values and environment support and enhance organisation performance and adaptability. Provides insight and leadership on development and execution of any capability, cultural and change activities. Resourcing and Talent Planning – The HR professional working in this area ensures that the organisation is able to identify and attract key people with the capability to create competitive advantage and that it actively manages an appropriate balance of resource to meet changing needs, fulfilling the short and long-term ambitions of the organisation strategy. Learning and Talent Development HR professional working in this area ensures that people at all levels of the organisation possess and develop the skills, knowledge and experiences to fulfill the short and long-term ambitions of the organisation and that they are motivated to learn, grow and perform. Performance and reward HR professional working in this area builds a high-performance culture by delivering programmes that recognise and reward critical skills, capabilities, experience and performance, and ensures that reward systems are market-based, equitable and cost-effective. Employee engagement In the context of organisation objectives, the HR professional working in this area ensures that in all aspects of the employment experience – the emotional connection that all employees have with their work, colleagues and to their organisation (in particular line manager relationship) is positive and understood, and that it delivers greater discretionary effort in their work and the way they relate to their organisation. Employee relation Working in this area of HR ensures that the relationship between an organisation and its staff is managed appropriately within a clear and transparent framework underpinned by organisation practices and policies and ultimately by relevant employment law. Service delivery and information Ensures that the delivery of human resources service and information to leaders, managers and staff within the organisation is accurate, efficient, timely and cost effective and that humane resources data is managed professionally. The Eight Behaviours There are eight behaviours which describe how HR people should carry out their activities. 1 Curious 2 Decisive thinker 3 Skilled influencer 4 Driven to deliver 5 Collaborative 6 Personally credible 7 Courage to challenge 8 Role model

Thursday, November 7, 2019

5 Signs You Might Get Fired

5 Signs You Might Get Fired Sometimes we get so comfortable in day-to-day work life that we  forget jobs today come with much less security. Rather than becoming complacent, keep yourself attuned and on the lookout for the following red flags so you can fix the problem and save your job- or at least prepare for the worst by looking for a new one. SEE ALSO:  10 Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job1. You’re out of the loopWhether it’s the most recent report on company profits or just the details of the next co-worker happy hour, if you find yourself not getting as much or the same quality intel as your colleagues, that might be a sign you’re being phased out. Particularly watch for your managers or bosses changing the subject from company matters when you enter the conversation.2. Your workload is lesseningAre some of your projects getting passed along to newer hires or to people down the ladder? Do you find yourself getting tasked with duties you’ve not done in months or years? When your responsibilities start to shrink, that’s a good sign your position will, too.3. Management is changingEvery time a company shakes up its structure, chances are a few jobs will be lost. Be vigilant at times of restructuring and rebranding to make sure you’re being considered for the newer outlook.4. You’ve made mistakesEven one mistake- if big enough- can cost you your job. But if you haven’t done anything drastic like fraud or passing company secrets to competitors, it’s still possible that you’re making small mistakes and might be considered a liability. The best solution here is to always own your errors and take immediate, proactive steps to minimize the damage. The rest is up to your boss.5. They sent you on vacationForced furloughs or compulsory vacations are one way your bosses can get you out of the office if they’re thinking about firing you and need to prepare a case- or sometimes just to see how vital your role ac tually is. If your boss asks you to take vacation, that might be a good time to have an honest and upfront conversation about where you stand. Better to know the truth; then you can spend your holiday looking for another job!

Monday, November 4, 2019

Linking up with Talent at Osram Sylvania Case Study

Linking up with Talent at Osram Sylvania - Case Study Example 2. Social Networking Sites for Recruitment Recruitment by means of social networking sites is the latest trend in the professional employment procedure. There are many advantages related to this approach, especially in the instances when the employment has to be done from abroad. Rather than contacting the recruitment companies in those far-off regions, the online communities of interest that have a majority of members from the respective region can be joined and observed silently, for example, supply chain management communities can be joined that have been founded by Indians and have most members belonging to the South Asian land. Sial (2009) stated that the employers can act as silent observers in the prevailing discussions on the platform and identify the individuals that seem to have good experience in the field. Blogging also gives the employer an opportunity to evaluate the individual’s caliber. However, it is advisable to stick to the professional social networking sit es like LinkedIn that are focused on the professional aspects of the individuals. It proves to be a good medium for hiring competent professionals since some are not proactive in the job market and hence do not post their CVs at the job hunting sites.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Introducation to computer science assingment Assignment

Introducation to computer science assingment - Assignment Example Q6. The value that can be retrieved from the table by the pop instruction is 11 C. this is because it is possible to get the pointer in to the first element of the vector through incrementing this pointer in order to access the second pointer. The value that will be found in the pointer after the pop operation is 12 A. on the other hand, the deque is not a guarantee of a contiguous storage which contains the same elements (10, 11 12) and getting the pointer to the first element does not guarantee that you will get access to the second pointer by incrementing the pointer (Finkel, 1996) Q7. Assuming that the stricture above represents a queue, the value that will be removed from the queue is 14.this is because it is obtained after several increments of 10. The head pointer will next point at 13 which will be the value before 14. *In order to obtain the left child of a certain index, we multiply the current index 2 and we add 1. *for us to get the right child on this specific index, we multiply the current index by 2 and then we add 2. Q10. The reference data types are used to refer to objects while the primitive data types usually contain some values. Some of the example of primitive data type includes the byte, int Boolean and the float. Q11. When writing a chessboard structure that has an 8-by-8 grid, the programmer can consider using arrays that contains chess like structure which is a two dimension array. In order to store the position of the chess piece. The two dimension array is used in pinpointing individual elements in the array (Finkel,

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Investment Analysis Coursework 2001 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment Analysis Coursework 2001 - Essay Example ‘Herd’ implies a social grouping of people, who have similar understanding or perception about anything. Here ‘herd’ implies the people, who have the same viewpoint within the stock market. The above statement briefs that market movements are dependent on individuals. If a person buys a particular stock and he is a popular figure in the community and society, then every individual intends to purchase this stock and this is simply because the first person has bought it, not because of the market value of the stock. â€Å"Perhaps 100 people were simply imitating the coin flipping call of some terribly persuasive personality† (Buffett n.d. p. 4). The ‘margin of safety’ principle implies that safety should be ensured while buying stocks. Walter has justified that while dealing in the stock market, it should always be remembered that it is other people’s money which is being handled. Therefore it reinforces the ethics to strongly avert losses while dealing in stocks. It should always be remembered that money is real and therefore should be handled appropriately. If the net worth of a business is $1 and it can be obtained at 40 cents, then it aims to generate profit. In the stock markets risks and rewards are correlated because as the stock grows riskier, more are the returns from this stock. Even though a high risk stock would be able to generate more returns, yet a risky stock can also generate less or nil returns because the stock’s performance is dependent upon its market performance, which is guarded by several principles. Rational pricing is very important in the stock market, as this pricing is needed for fixed income securities and bonds. Rational pricing implies such a type of pricing, which represents that the market price of the assets in the stock market is free of any arbitrage pricing. Eugene Fama has been propounded as the father of the theory of ‘efficient market hypothesis’. Fam a stated two theories related to the efficient market hypothesis. The first theory was classifying the markets on the basis of three types of efficiency. Fama classified three forms of efficiency which are as follows: Strong form efficiency Semi strong form efficiency Weak form efficiency The strong form efficiency implies that all information related to the firm is incorporated in the price of the stock of the firm. The strong form tests are concerned with whether investors or investor groups have monopolistic access in determining the price of a stock. The semi strong form tests imply the prices are adjusted according to the information available about the firm in their announcements to the public, such as announcements of annual earnings, the stock splits etc. that the firm has witnessed. The weak form efficiency is such a test, where only the historical prices of stocks have been displayed to the public and no other details about the firm is divulged. Fama describes the market e fficiency hypothesis to be very simple, which simply points out that the market price of a stock represents all the vital information about the firm. The second concept, which Fama stated with respect to the efficient market hypothesis, was the concept of market efficiency, which can be rejected only with a rejection of the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Favorite Food Essay Example for Free

Favorite Food Essay â€Å"so exactly where are we going again?† I asked my dad while pulling out of our driveway. â€Å"Just wait I know youll love this restaurant,† he announced. He was taking me to Espinoza’s, an authentic Mexican restaurant. There was a large window right beside the door when you pull in, with a big, orange, neon sign with the words ESPINOZAS written in capital letters. My dad opened the door and I led him in. Right when we walked, there was a young girl, about five feet and 3 inches tall, who asked us in an accent if it was just the two of us today. Behind her about eight meters away, was a bar like counter that was higher than normal, for when the chef prepared your meal, he could place it there to be brought to the table. We sat down at our table right beside the big window with the neon sign, a table for four. Two glasses of water were brought to us, by Maria, our waitress, who all the while made suggestions on their selection of other drinks. There was a glass fridge, like the ones at gas stations, directly behind where dad was sitting, and it contained all kinds of carbonated drinks. All the sodas were in glass bottles with classic looking labels, that had Pepsi, Coke, and some other ones with Spanish words on them. Right beside the fridge were two slushy machines. One slushy machine had a red drink called Aqua De Jamaica, and the other one a creamy white one, Horchata. Tamarind and infusions of hibiscus flowers are what give Jamaica its red color. My dad ordered Horchata, which is made from a combination of long grain rice, milk, and sugar. We both sipped on our ice cold drinks, while placing our orders to Maria. As we waited for our food to arrive, I headed towards a jukebox on the opposite side of where we were seated. I flipped through all the tracks of songs and in the end just chose one based on the the picture on the cover of the album. Just as I was heading back to my seat, I saw Maria with a circular tray the size of a tire filled with food. I scurried over to beat her to our table because I wanted to see why dad was so enthusiastic about bringing me to Espinozas. What happened next, I will never forget. The smell the awoke every last bit of my senses. An oval plate was placed in front of me, as if I were some royal being. Laid out in perfect layers were nacho chips that looked like a bloomed roses petals. On top of the petal-like chips were marinated chicken strips, grilled so you could see the marks on them, showing all of the effort that was put into its cooking. The chicken was seasoned with a blend of zesty Mexican spices. Hints of lemon, paprika, crushed peppers, and onion powder gave tastes of sourness to sweetness with every bite. Sauteed onions, sweet bell peppers, and tomatoes are what completed the next layer. Melted white cheese smothered the beans that were evenly distributed upon every nacho chip that existed on my dish. I took the first bite. Related by more than just the blood in our veins, my father and I are best friends. He has always known me more than Ive known myself. He brought me to Espinozas because we both share a love for Mexican dishes. The flavors of the spices remind us of the connection and joy we have in our friendship. He even called me last night to remind me about the soccer game that would be on in ten minutes between Barcelona and Real Madrid. They tied one to one.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Women in Christianity

Women in Christianity Women are oppressed by the religion of Christianity. For the religion of Christianity the equal rights for women is a great unfulfilled concern, from time beyond memory they have been dependent to man, in the family, and with restrained rights and involvement in worship. This is a big and intricate matter as Christianity is one of the major religions in the world. Is the opinion that Christianity oppresses women, based on historical facts or is the misinterpretation of these out of context scriptures; Let us look to the bible for some answers and solutions to the chaos and confusion with which modern women are confronted. Throughout the Bible, men were the heads of families and were the leaders. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Noah, David, Solomon, Joseph and many more. As a result , it stands to reason and historical fact that the Bible is indeed patriarchal. But does this inevitably mean that women are oppressed and degraded? Genesis(1:26-27) Then God said Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air.. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them It was not Adam alone, but Eve who made up Gods image, and thus, women are a part of this creation story, not demeaned but fully equal in the benefits provided by God. Arguing the idea that the male gender was created first is like twins arguing about who is greater due to which emerged first from the womb. They were created equally and with the intention of reflecting Gods image in their own union, man and wife. http://www.religioustolerance.org/lfe_bibl.htm The Bible teaches that man and woman were co-participants in the Fall: Adam and Eve were both responsible. Gen 3:6; Rom 5:12-21; The Bible teaches that both man and woman were created in Gods image, had a direct relationship with God, and shared jointly the responsibilities of bearing and bringing up children and having dominion over all the earth, and over all the creatures. In first-century Palestine, the way Jesus treated women was considered revolutionary. Jesus Christ taught that women were just as responsible for growing in grace and knowledge as men when it came to being one of his followers. Jesus expected women as well as men to learn from him. The Bible does not say how many women moved around with Jesus and his male disciples, but definitely Luke records the names of a prominent few, and mentions there were â€Å"many others.† Jesus walked through towns and countryside, preaching and giving the good news of the kingdom of God. The Twelve followed him, and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and diseases: Mary called Magdalene, who had been freed of seven demons; Joanna, wife of Chuza, Herods steward: Susanna and others who provided for them out of their own funds. (Luke 8:1-3) It was the women who stayed at the foot of the Cross. The mother of Jesus, Mary, the other Mary, and Mary Magdalene with only one of the Apostle John, the beloved disciple. And it was Mary Magdalene who went early at the tomb and It was a woman who found the most important phenomenon in history, the Resurrection of Jesus. In that time in history and culture , women were considered to be not reliable and they were not permitted to be witnesses in court. And yet Jesus wanted a women as his strongest witnesses, and accomplish his greatest works. Jesus asked Mary to bring the announcement to the apostles, so we see that he relied on women to bring the men to him. Christianity today has a lot to thank women for, as men disbelieved, questioned, and ran away, but the women gathered them and lead them back to Jesus. Now, one major issue is Saint Paul. He comes across as a big misogynist. But is our interpretation accurate? In 1 Timothy 2: 11-13, Paul says, Let a woman quietly receive instruction and be submissive. I allow no woman to teach or to have authority over men. Let them be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. Adam was not deceived ,it was the woman who was deceived and fell into sin. But she will be saved through motherhood, provided that her life be orderly and holy, in faith and love. St. Paul has been the victim of a bad press as far as women are concerned. Some have regarded him as the one whose basic message to women is to shut up, cover their heads and listen to their husbands. In the thirteen letters of St. Paul, there are probably no passages that are as difficult for modern Western readers as those having to do with women. To clear Paul of charges of misogyny, perhaps we need to look at some historical considerations: Paul was brought up as a Jew in the sect of the Pharisees until his adult life. In the Judaism in which Paul was reared, relationships between men and women were subject to the laws of ritual impurity. If a man so much as touched a woman at the wrong time of the month he could become ritually impure himself. In Leviticus, the law stipulates that a woman who has given birth to a daughter must undergo a period of purification twice as long as that for the birth of a son. And among the daily prayers â€Å"the Eighteen Benedictions† recited by Jewish men is this: â€Å"Blessed Thou art, O Lord, for not having created me a woman.† So St. Paul grew up regarding to women in a particular way, and some of the comments he makes about women can probably be credited to his own background. http://tzion.org/articles/EighteenBenedictions.htm Womens status and freedoms were definitely restricted by Jewish law and custom. As we mentioned already they were not permitted to be witnesses in court trials. They could not go out in public, or talk to strangers. They had to be double veiled when they went out of their homes. They were excluded from the worship and teaching of God, with status barely above that of slaves. Their place in society was set in the Hebrew Scriptures and in the interpretation of those scriptures. In a Jewish and Hellenistic environment, the submission of the wife to the husband went without question as considered the foundation of the family order, and in therefore of the order of society.† For many scholars ,the first Christians had been accused of rocking the boat, and Paul wanted to make it clear that Christians were not anarchists. Therefore, Pauls statements about women tend to take on a different tone altogether if seen within the context of all of his writings, actually they serve to reflect and reinforce the message of mutual submission in Christ. (Lynda L.1990 pg.21) In fact in Galatians 3:27-8: The Same Paul says All of you who were given to Christ through baptism have put on Christ. Here there is no longer any difference between Jew nor Greek, or between slave or freed, or between man and woman: but all of you are one in Christ Jesus. This doesnt mean that the borders no longer exist in this life; Paul was not out to abolish slavery and to struggle for the social equality of women. His concern was not for the improvement of present social structures but for the establishment of unity in the church, the one body of Christ, and then as one in Christ all other issues would be overcome. One important point is that Paul, depended on women to help him in his ministry, and he thanks them in his letters by name, Phoebe, a deaconess of the church, â€Å"she helped many and among them myself † (Romans 16:2). In Philippians (4:2-3) Evodia and Syntyche of whom, he says, â€Å"they have laboured with me in the service of the gospel.† And finally If he really despised marriage, would he have spoken so warmly and repeatedly of the couple Prisca and Aquila, whom he referred to as â€Å"my helpers in Christ Jesus. To save my life they risked theirs; I am very grateful to them, as are all the churches of pagan nations.† As seen Women have exerted a special influence on Christian life and have profoundly affected its spirituality, but the exact nature of this relationship has yet to be fully understood. Holy women throughout history have struggled over the nature of women`s calling within the church. Christianity has been, both a liberating force for women and the cause of their oppression. But we would like to conclude with an uplifting message, God is still saying today to those of us who are willing to listen a message that will clear us of any doubts towards gender equality; â€Å"In heaven, men and women will stand together praising God †. (REV. 22:3-5) A clear picture or even better the eternal picture, about women in Christianity. Bibliography: Christian Community Bible, Claretian Publication, Quezon City, Philippines. LYNDA L.1990 pg.21,The gentle strength, university press of Virginia, USA FRANK WESTON,2001. The Revelation of Eternal Love: Christianity Stated in Terms of LoveBiblio Bazaar, Oxford UK http://tzion.org/articles/EighteenBenedictions.htm (accessed 7/03/2010) http://www.religioustolerance.org/lfe_bibl.htm (accessed 7/03/2010)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is an analgesic medication. Its overdose occurs when someone accidently or intentionally takes more than the normal or recommended amount of this medication. Acetaminophen overdose is one of the common poisonings worldwide. If this poisoning occurs, need to call local emergency number (911) or poison control center. Acute acetaminophen overdose is defined as an ingestion of toxic amount of acetaminophen occurring within a period of eight hours or less. In adults acetaminophen toxicity occurs following ingestion of greater than 7.5-10gms over a period of eight hours or less. Chronic acetaminophen overdose occurs following ingestion of toxic amount over a period greater than eight hours. The mechanism of liver injury is related to the fact that small amounts of acetaminophen are converted to a toxic metabolite. The toxic metabolite binds with liver proteins to cause cellular injury. The amount of toxic metabolite produced and the ability of the liver to remove this metabolite before it binds to liver protein influence the extent of liver injury. Pathophysiology: Oral acetaminophen is rapidly absorbed from the stomach and small intestines. The serum drug concentration peaks 1-2 hours once after ingestion. Peak plasma level occurs within 4 hours of post ingestion of over dose of an immediate release preparation. Therapeutic levels are 5-20 Â µg/ml. Acetaminophen primarily metabolized by liver to non toxic, water soluble form that is eliminated in the urine. Overdose leads to formation of hepatotoxic reactive metabolite causes an ensuring cascade of oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction. This subsequent inflammatory response propagates hepatocellular injury and death. Similar enzymatic reaction occurs i... ...dressed some recommendations to acetaminophen based medications, are safe daily dose for healthy individuals, patients with chronic renal failure, patients who concurrently drink alcohol and appropriate dose needed to be efficacy. It also imposed package size restrictions. Prevention: People supposed to take some steps to avoid acetaminophen overdose. Always securely close the acetaminophen containers and use child proof bottles. Keep all the medication out of the reach of children. Know the correct dose and amount of drug before administration. Never mix the both medications if those contain the acetaminophen. Keep all the medications away from the family member who are being showed suicidal ideations and seek medical attention immediately. Patient should not be taken acetaminophen if he has consumed three alcoholic beverages per day as it leads to hepatotoxicity.